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 Lidia Favaro - Death - Sept 11, 2022

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*** Other Stuff ***

Whirlpool Washer ERROR CODE E2 F9 (E2F9) - Drain motor on too long

This is why it happens:
During the last minute of the spin cycle, it tries very hard to spin at the speed you selected.
The last minute can last more than one minute - it could last many minutes..even more than 10 minutes.
It tries hard to spin at the speed you selected, but for balance reasons, it just cannot do it.
So, it takes too long...and you get Error E2 F9.

FIX: How to fix this problem:
1) Turn it off - press the power button.
2) Turn it on - press the power button.
3) Press START
4) Within a few seconds, you'll hear the door lock make a quick buzzing sound - then immediately turn it off - press the power button
-- At this point, if you try again, it will immediately error E2 F9 because it knows it could not spin fully
-- and you did nothing to actually fix the's fix the problem:
NOTE: E2 F9 always happens only after the final rinse and it spends a long time trying to spin at the speed you selected
5) Check if the clothes are dry enough - then you're done.

Instead, if the clothes are not dry enough or too wet - they need a spin cycle.
6) If you want, you may rearrange the clothes - this might help - I didn't find this to work.
7) You have to wait about 10 to 20 minutes before you can start again without E2F9 starting again.
8) Choose a slower spin speed: I use the lowest spin speed + RINSE/DRAIN CYCLE + turn off EXTRA RINSE: It will only spin.
9) If E2 F9 happens, you may have to wait longer than 20 minutes, OR add more clothes for the spin to balance better.
10) After a successful spin, you can repeat the RINSE/DRAIN with no extra RINSE with a faster spin speed.
** THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR WASHER - the ERROR CODE is a poor show for the actual problem **
( It could have displayed 'SPIn LOnG E2 F9' or something more useful )

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